Day 8: Casa Grande to Catalina

A friend wrote to me today saying that she and her husband were enjoying my blog but it didn't make them want to be here!  You can say that John and I did not want to be here either.  Yesterday was  very tough and we were relieved to learn today's ride was only sixty miles.  Things went badly very early on, however, when my air mattress gave out sometime in the middle of the night.  I went off to pee, came back and sat on the ground holding back tears and suddenly remembered the old trick of two people sleeping head to foot on a single bed.  So John sleepily moved over and we both had a decent night's sleep.

Breakfast over, we took off on our ride-- I got the earliest start of the trip, about 7:30 and thought I should be able to make camp in about five hours or less.  It was not to be-- as one of my co-riders just said, "we went from hell to the other side of hell" and with a fierce headwind it was a ride more ghastly than any that have come before.  So bad, in fact, that failing to find food and water at the proper intervals, neither John nor I was able to complete the ride.  It took about six hours to get to a SAG stop at  mile 41 and at that point I was  done for.  I took a ride in the van, as did several others, and now we are all happily ensconced in the first nice campground of the trip.  Catalina State Park is very pretty, tent oriented, has a good shower and bathrooms and best of all we have a rest day here.  Sadly, rain and low temperatures are predicted.

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